Three Kingdoms - Sanquo


"Gun Gun Chang Jiang Dong Shi Shui"
(The Waters of the Yangtze River Roll East)

"Li Shi De Tian Kong"
(The Sky of History)

New Sanquo Yanyi

La Quan Trung - Tam Quoc dien nghia


Indicators Say The Crisis is Over (or Soon)


Market and Credit Indicators
by CalculatedRisk on 8/03/2009 07:42:00 PM

The S&P 500 closed above 1000 for the first time since last November.
The S&P 500 is up 48.2% from the closing bottom (326 points), and off 36% from the peak (563 points below the closing max).

The British Bankers' Association reported that the three-month dollar Libor rates were fixed at a new record low of 0.472%. The LIBOR peaked at 4.81875% on Oct 10, 2008.

The A2P2 spread has declined to 0.26. The record (for this cycle) was 5.86 after Thanksgiving, and this is only slightly above the normal spread of around 20 bps.
This is the spread between high and low quality 30 day nonfinancial commercial paper.

Meanwhile the TED spread has decreased further and is now at 29.4. This is the difference between the interbank rate for three month loans and the three month Treasury.
The peak was 463 on Oct 10th and the spread is now in the normal range.

The final graph shows the spread between 30 year Moody's Aaa and Baa rated bonds and the 30 year treasury.
The spread has decreased sharply over the last few months. The spreads are still high, especially for lower rated paper.