Economic Indicators Dashboard - Helping Advisors
What's the state of the economy?
To help you talk to your clients, we've identified a few key economic and market indicators to help assess the current economic health and trend.
Summary of current state (as of 2/28/2010)
Market indicators — Corporate debt remains in its typical range and interest rates remain just outside the high end of typical. VIX decreased to its lowest month-end level in over 21 months. Mortgage delinquencies continue to rise. Overall, the U.S. equity markets rose in February, with the Russell 3000® Index gaining 3.4% for the month.
Economic indicators — As these indicators tend to look backwards, most are still at the low end of their typical ranges. NF PAY shows that the job market continues to remain weak. The GDP number for 4Q09 was revised to 5.9%, continuing the trend of positive GDP growth.
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